People x Biology x Data =
Solving Cancer with Immunotherapy

Dive into the intersection of technology and healthcare at the heart of cancer research. A recent event hosted by Viewstream, in partnership with the Cancer Research Institute (CRI), unveiled the transformative potential of data science in the battle against cancer.

Held at The Modernist Club in San Francisco, “People x Biology x Data = Solving Cancer with Immunotherapy” was more than just a gathering—it was a leap forward in understanding how immunotherapy, powered by machine learning, AI, and big data, is reshaping the fight against this disease.

The event highlighted the spirit of innovation and was seen as a beacon of hope, illuminating the remarkable strides being made in the field of cancer immunotherapy through the lens of cutting-edge technology and medical breakthroughs.

Empowering Innovations and Harnessing the Power of Data

John Assalian, the CEO of Viewstream, opened the event by highlighting the essence of collaboration and the relentless pursuit of a world immune to cancer. The heart of the discussion was a panel of CRI’s Lloyd J. Old STAR grantees, including Alexander Marson, MD, PhD; Ansu Satpathy, MD, PhD; and Matt Spitzer, PhD. These luminaries delved into the potent combination of bioinformatics in advancing personalized immunotherapies.

Their conversation revealed the transformative power of data science in identifying novel biomarkers, optimizing treatment responses, and ultimately, accelerating the path to curing cancer. The panelists shared their groundbreaking research, emphasizing the synergy between biology and data science as the cornerstone of future therapeutic breakthroughs.

The leap day event underscored the significance of data in unraveling the complexities of the immune system and its interaction with cancer. By harnessing vast datasets and employing sophisticated analytical tools, researchers are paving the way for the next wave of immunotherapies, promising a more targeted and effective approach to cancer treatment.

Immerse yourself in this pivotal moment in cancer research by watching the video from the event. We also invite you to explore Ways to Give to CRI’s cancer research and encourage you to Donate Now for a world immune to cancer.


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