Immune to Cancer: The CRI Blog




Why You Should Leave CRI in Your Will

There are many distinct ways to generously give to the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) and help propel immunotherapy progress. One simple and flexible way to give to CRI is through a legacy gift. With August designated as Make–A-Will Month, there is no better time than now to act on establishing a will or living trust. 

“When a person generously gives through a will or living trust, they can do so with confidence because of CRI’s high marks from nonprofit assessors for good governance and fiscal responsibility,” Rupinder Kaur, CRI’s Office of Planned Giving, said. “Bequests to CRI are instrumental in driving the next wave of immunotherapy developments.” 

Generous bequests enable CRI-funded scientists to continue their rigorous immunotherapy research that can benefit countless cancer patients. Whether a specific CRI scientist’s research involves sensory neurons and lung cancer, or how artificial intelligence approaches can help scientists analyze T cells, they are deeply appreciative for CRI support – assistance that is made possible because of our community’s commitment to immunotherapy.  

“Being a CRI CLIP Investigator is an honor, and not only provides crucial funding, but also connects me with a network of researchers dedicated to making groundbreaking discoveries in immunotherapy,” said CRI Thompson Family Foundation CLIP Investigator Lloyd Bod, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. “It is a commitment to pursuing innovative science that can lead to life-saving therapies for patients worldwide.”

If you do not have a will or living trust, CRI encourages you to speak with an experienced attorney about creating one that will accomplish your goals. We are happy to provide you with sample bequest language to assist you and your attorney. No matter the specific details of your will, CRI is grateful for the contribution that will go towards scientific research conducted by the brightest minds in immunotherapy. Thank you for considering including CRI in your will or living trust, and for helping us create a world immune to cancer. 

If you have any questions about wills and bequests, please call our office of gift planning at 212-792-5212. 

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