Immune to Cancer: The CRI Blog



Running for Hope at the 2018 UA New York City Half Marathon

The 2018 United Airlines New York City Half Marathon debuted a new course that stretched 13.1 miles from central Brooklyn, across the East River into Manhattan, along the scenic West Side Highway, and ending in Central Park. For many participants, this route held breathtaking views that allowed them to mentally escape the physical feat of the race.

Jimmy Cheung runs the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.
Jimmy Cheung runs the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.

For the 18 members of Team CRI, each mile was a reminder of their commitment to supporting the Cancer Research Institute’s mission to save more lives by fueling the discovery and development of powerful immunotherapies for all types of cancer. While this year's team had runners of varied backgrounds and running experiences, they all held the cause and hope for a future immune to cancer in common.

Nadia Rashed runs the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.
Nadia Rashed runs the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.

For Donna Dullys of Australia, running the UA NYC Half Marathon was a way to honor her brother Steve who at just 47 is "riddled with cancer and the same tender age [their] mother was when she lost her five-year battle to bowel cancer.” Donna knew that fundraising for CRI where 87 cents of every dollar raised goes to research programs would be a fiscally responsible way to fund studies that can potentially find a cure for not only her brother’s colorectal cancer, but for many others.

Ralph Sutton runs the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.
Ralph Sutton runs the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.

Thanks to the dedication and fundraising support of individuals like the 2018 Team CRI members, more than $24,000 was raised for CRI’s research programs, which we will use to support cancer immunotherapy research for all cancers.

Sarah Santos runs the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.
Sarah Santos runs the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.

If you’re interested in running for Team CRI in a future race and helping to make a future immune to cancer, contact our events department at [email protected].

Anne Asmus with her medal at the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.
Anne Asmus with her medal at the 2018 NYC Half Marathon.

Run for Team CRI

Team CRI is a community of grassroots fundraisers who leverage their personal networks of friends, family, colleagues, and others to support CRI’s mission to save more lives by fueling the discovery and development of powerful immunotherapies for all types of cancer.

Julie Stewart, CRI Community Fundraiser: I decided to run for the Cancer Research institute because I have had several close friends and family members struggle with cancer. I believe in the promise of immunotherapy.

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