Immune to Cancer: The CRI Blog



3 Runners on Why They are Fundraising for a Future Immune to Cancer with Team CRI at the TCS New York City Marathon

There are a variety of great ways to fundraise on behalf of the Cancer Research Institute (CRI), but an exciting and unique way to help fight cancer is by participating in the TCS New York City Marathon. This year, the marathon will take place on Sunday, November 5, 2023, at 7 a.m.

We caught up with some members of #TeamCRI to find out why they run, and why they chose CRI.

What inspired you to run the TCS NYC Marathon this year?

Elizabeth Valiaveedan: “I live in New York City, and it is so inspiring to see thousands of people come together to run for meaningful organizations and often in honor of loved ones. It is incredible to see the city come together.”

Sarah Wieser: “I wanted to be a part of a great cause and support cancer research. Many of my family members and friends have passed away from cancer. Therefore, if anything is possible to find a cure I would love to help.”

Carolyn Macleod: “Running the New York City Marathon for a cause has always been on my bucket list. This year I finally felt that I had the time to commit to the training plan.”

Why did you want to run with Team CRI and raise funds for our mission?

Elizabeth Valiaveedan: “Many close family members have fought cancer and I have seen firsthand the value of new treatments. Clinical trials gave me more time with my grandma.”

Sarah Weiser: “CRI has an amazing core value to help others and that is what stood out to me.”

Carolyn Macleod: “I found #TeamCRI and immediately felt connected to the cause. My father passed away from cancer when I was a teenager, and so cancer research is very close to my heart. I have so much respect for CRI and its mission.”

Starting in Staten Island before snaking through the rest of New York City’s five boroughs, the 26.2-mile marathon concludes in Manhattan’s Central Park. Hosted by New York Road Runners, the marathon will consist of over 50,000 runners and 12,000 volunteers.

By participating in the marathon with #TeamCRI, runners have access to some perks, including guaranteed race entry, a personal online fundraising page, access to fundraising tips and support, and CRI-branded team gear.

#TeamCRI helps raise funds that will go directly towards some of the best cancer researchers on the planet. Thanks to the pioneering research CRI has funded for over 70 years, cancer immunotherapy today is no longer a dream held by a determined few. The expert-vetted clinical and laboratory research we support has the best chance to create a world immune to cancer.

To join #TeamCRI next year, please reach out to Cierra Howard at (212) 688-7515 or email [email protected]. Your support helps fuel our mission of creating a world immune to cancer.

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