CRI Funded Scientists CRI invests in the brightest people with the best ideas all around the world. These current and future scientific leaders in immunology and tumor immunology, from top academic research institutions, are advancing fundamental and applied discoveries that impact cancer research. From bench to bedside, CRI is ushering in the next generation of cancer immunotherapy innovations. Or filter by: Grant Type Clinical Accelerator Clinical Innovator CLIP Investigator CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Grantee Postdoctoral Fellow Tech Impact Award Institution Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bar-Ilan University (Israel) Baylor College of Medicine Blood Center of Wisconsin Boston Children’s Hospital Boston Children’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School Boston, MA Brigham & Women’s Hospital Brigham & Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard California Institute of Technology Case Western Reserve University Centre de Recherche du CHUM (Canada) Centre Léon BERARD Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (Spain) Champalimaud Foundation (Portugal) Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia City of Hope National Medical Center Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Columbia University Columbia University Medical Center Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Délégation régionale Inserm Midi-Pyrénées / Limousin (France) Duke University Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) Emory University Fondazione Centro San Raffaele (Italy) Fondazione Humanitas per la Ricerca Foundation for Applied Medical Research (FIMA) (Spain) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Fundacio Institut D’Investigacio Biomedica de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet del Llobregat Fundacion Centro Nacional De Investigaciones Oncologicas Carlos III (Spain) Georgetown University Hadassah Medical Center (Israel) Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research (Australia) Harvard Medical School Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Harvard University Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center (China) Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM, Spain) Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Imperial College London Institut Curie Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (Spain) Institut National de la Santé et de La Recherche Médicale (INSERM, France) Israel Institute of Technology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Johns Hopkins University Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center King’s College London La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology La Jolla Institute for Immunology Leiden University Medical Center (Netherlands) Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research / University of Lausanne Lund University (Sweden) Massachusetts General Hospital Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mayo Clinic MD Anderson Cancer Center Medical College of Wisconsin Medical University of South Carolina Melanoma Institute of Australia Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Moffitt Cancer Center National Cancer Institute National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH National Institute on Aging New York Genome Center New York University Medical Center New York University School of Medicine Northwestern University Odette Cancer Centre Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Ohio State University Oregon Health & Science University Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (Canada) QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute (Australia) Regensburg Center for Interventional Immunology (Germany) Regents of the University of Michigan Regents of the University of Minnesota Roswell Park Cancer Institute Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Sage Bionetworks & Institute for Systems Biology Saint Louis University School of Medicine Salk Institute Salk Institute for Biological Studies Seattle Children’s Research Institute St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital St. Vincent’s Hospital Applied Medical Research Institute Stanford University Stanford University School of Medicine State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo Sunnybrook Research Institute The Broad Institute The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard The Francis Crick Institute (England) The J. David Gladstone Institutes The Netherlands Cancer Institute The Rockefeller University The Salk Institute for Biological Studies The Scripps Research Institute The University of Melbourne (Australia) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) Universita di Verona (Italy) Universite de Lausanne (Switzerland) University College London University Health Network University Health Network (Canada) University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Alberta University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) University of Bordeaux (France) University of Calgary University of California, Berkeley University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego University of California, San Francisco University of Chicago University of Colorado at Boulder University of Connecticut University of Glasgow University of Massachusetts Medical School University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Oxford University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine University of Technology Sydney (Australia) University of Texas at Austin University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center University of Virginia Health System University of Washington University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Zurich Vancouver Cancer Centre Vanderbilt University Virginia Commonwealth University Vita-Salute San Raffaele University Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (Australia) Washington University in St. Louis Washington University School of Medicine Weill Cornell Medicine Weizmann Institute of Science Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research Yale University Location *Non-US AL CA CO CT DC FL GA IL MA MD MI MN MO NC NY OH OR PA SC TN TX VA WA WI Cancer Type All Cancers Bladder Cancer Brain Cancer Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Childhood Cancer Colorectal Cancer Esophageal Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Kidney Cancer Leukemia Liver Cancer Lung Cancer Lymphoma Melanoma Melenoma Multiple Myeloma Other Cancer Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer Sarcoma Skin Cancer Solid Cancers Stomach Cancer Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer Award Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Merve Deniz Abdusselamoglu, PhD The Rockefeller UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Ghamdan Al-Eryani, PhD Broad Institute of MIT and HarvardPostdoctoral Fellow Hamza Furkan Alkan, PhD The University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Elise Alspach, PhD Saint Louis University School of MedicineCLIP Investigator Valsamo Anagnostou, MD, PhD Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineClinical Accelerator, CLIP Investigator Anca Apavaloaei, PhD Weill Cornell MedicinePostdoctoral Fellow Camillia S. Azimi, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiPostdoctoral Fellow Hratch Baghdassarian, PhD Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyPostdoctoral Fellow Lauren B. Banks, MD, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Marina Baretti, MD Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineClinical Innovator Alexandra Q. Bartlett, PhD Oregon Health & Science UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Elisabeth M Battinelli, MD, PhD Brigham & Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical SchoolCLIP Investigator Paul Beavis, PhD The University of Melbourne (Australia)CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Hannah Bell, PhD University of MichiganPostdoctoral Fellow Matteo Maria Bellone, MD Vita-Salute San Raffaele UniversityCLIP Investigator Tamar Lea Ben Shaanan, PhD University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Fellow Adam Blaisdell, MD, PhD University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Fellow Lloyd Bod, PhD Massachusetts General HospitalCLIP Investigator Jesse Boumelha, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiPostdoctoral Fellow Judith Bovee, MD, PhD Leiden University Medical Center (Netherlands)CLIP Investigator Nadav Brandes, PhD University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Fellow Joshua D. Brody, MD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Jesusa Capera-Aragones, PhD University of OxfordPostdoctoral Fellow Andrea B. Castro, PhD University College LondonPostdoctoral Fellow Catalina Lee Chang, PhD Northwestern UniversityCLIP Investigator Sidi Chen, PhD Yale UniversityCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Spencer Chen, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Alberto Ciccia, PhD Columbia UniversityCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Jennifer L. Clarke, MD University of California, San FranciscoClinical Innovator Joseph Collins, PhD Boston Children’s HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Guoliang Cui, PhD Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center (China)CRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Tal Danino, PhD Columbia UniversityCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Barsha Dash, PhD La Jolla Institute for ImmunologyPostdoctoral Fellow Rebecca B. Delconte, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Julio Delgado, MD Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (Spain)Clinical Innovator Greg M. Delgoffe, PhD University of Pittsburgh School of MedicineCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Stanislav Dikiy, PhD The Scripps Research InstitutePostdoctoral Fellow Brianna Duncan-Lowey, PhD Yale UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Gavin Peter Dunn, MD, PhD Washington University School of MedicineCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Luisa F. Escobar-Hoyos, PhD Yale UniversityCLIP Investigator Inaki Etxeberria, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Chiara Falcomatà, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiPostdoctoral Fellow Peter E. Fecci, MD, PhD Duke UniversityCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Rita Leonor Fior, PhD Champalimaud Foundation (Portugal)Tech Impact Award Liuhui Fu, PhD New York University School of MedicinePostdoctoral Fellow Giulia Furesi, PhD Washington University School of MedicinePostdoctoral Fellow Thomas F. Gajewski, MD, PhD University of ChicagoCLIP Investigator Jorge Luis Galeano Niño, MD, PhD Fred Hutchinson Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Francesca Smylie Gazzaniga, PhD Massachusetts General HospitalCLIP Investigator David R. Glass, PhD Fred Hutchinson Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Nadia Guerra, PhD Imperial College LondonTech Impact Award Craig Haifer, PhD St. Vincent’s Hospital Applied Medical Research InstituteClinical Innovator Malay Haldar, MD, PhD University of PennsylvaniaCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Xue Han, PhD Ohio State UniversityCLIP Investigator Xin He, PhD University of Wisconsin-MadisonPostdoctoral Fellow Rachel S. Helms, PhD La Jolla Institute for ImmunologyPostdoctoral Fellow Liam Hendrikse, PhD University Health Network (Canada)Postdoctoral Fellow Michelle L. Hess, PhD Brigham & Women’s HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Ping-Chih Ho, PhD Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research / University of LausanneCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Cheryl Ho, MD Vancouver Cancer CentreClinical Accelerator William H. Hudson, PhD Baylor College of MedicineTech Impact Award Iliyan D. Iliev, PhD Weill Cornell MedicineCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Md Torikul Islam, PhD The University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Benjamin Izar, MD, PhD Columbia UniversityCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Thomas Jackson, PhD Dana-Farber Cancer InstitutePostdoctoral Fellow Mingeum Jeong, PhD Weill Cornell MedicinePostdoctoral Fellow Ning Jenny Jiang, PhD University of PennsylvaniaCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Susan M. Kaech, PhD Salk Institute for Biological StudiesCLIP Investigator Masakazu Kamata, PhD University of Alabama at BirminghamTech Impact Award Samantha B Kemp, PhD University of PennsylvaniaPostdoctoral Fellow Haydn T. Kissick, PhD Emory UniversityCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Philip Kranzusch, PhD Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Nicholas F Kuhn, PhD University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Fellow Ilia Kurochkin, PhD Lund University (Sweden)Postdoctoral Fellow Emanuele Lettera, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Xiang Li, PhD Boston Children’s HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Chang Liao, PhD University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Fellow Rik G.H. Lindeboom, PhD The Netherlands Cancer InstituteTech Impact Award Enrico Lugli, PhD Fondazione Humanitas per la RicercaCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Amanda Lund, PhD New York University Medical CenterCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Yitong Ma, PhD Stanford UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Helen MacKay, MD Odette Cancer Centre Sunnybrook Health Sciences CentreClinical Accelerator Robbie G. Majzner, MD Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Stacy Malaker, PhD Yale UniversityCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Samuel C. Markson, PhD Harvard Medical SchoolPostdoctoral Fellow Thomas Urban Marron, MD, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiClinical Innovator Nicholas Martin, PhD University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Fellow Anukriti Mathur, PhD University of Massachusetts Medical SchoolPostdoctoral Fellow Courtney A. Matson, PhD University of MinnesotaPostdoctoral Fellow Domhnall McHugh, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Claire L. McIntyre, PhD Brigham & Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical SchoolPostdoctoral Fellow Christopher B. Medina, PhD Emory UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Yifat Merbl, PhD Weizmann Institute of ScienceCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR, Tech Impact Award Maxime Meylan, PhD Dana-Farber Cancer InstitutePostdoctoral Fellow Alessandro Migliara, PhD University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Fellow Elizabeth A. Mittendorf, MD, PhD Dana-Farber Cancer InstituteGrantee Megan S. Molina, PhD University of WashingtonPostdoctoral Fellow Alexandra G. Moyzis, PhD Salk InstitutePostdoctoral Fellow Kat Mueller, PhD Children’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaPostdoctoral Fellow Kevin Ng, PhD The Rockefeller UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Xiaohan Ning, PhD Dana-Farber Cancer InstitutePostdoctoral Fellow Norihide Jo, MD, PhD Chinaemerem U. Onyishi, PhD National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of HealthPostdoctoral Fellow David L. Owen, PhD Harvard Medical SchoolPostdoctoral Fellow Joseph Palmeri, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Sara Martina Parigi, PhD The Rockefeller UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Seongyeol Park, MD, PhD Stanford UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Parasvi Patel, PhD Massachusetts General HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Karin Pelka, PhD The J. David Gladstone InstitutesTech Impact Award Xiong Pi, PhD Boston Children’s HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Josep Maria M. Piulats, MD, PhD Fundacio Institut D’Investigacio Biomedica de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet del LlobregatCLIP Investigator Luke Postoak, PhD Washington University School of MedicinePostdoctoral Fellow Bruce W. Robinson, MD, PhD Tech Impact Award Samuel A. Rose, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Kole T. Roybal, PhD University of California, San FranciscoCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Marco Ruella, MD University of PennsylvaniaCLIP Investigator Brian Ruffell, PhD Moffitt Cancer CenterCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Ayana T. Ruffin, PhD Emory UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Ansuman T. Satpathy, MD, PhD Stanford UniversityCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Andrea Schietinger, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Mark A. Sellmyer, MD, PhD University of PennsylvaniaCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Lewis Zhichang Shi, MD, PhD University of Alabama at BirminghamCLIP Investigator Raymond Shim, PhD University of CalgaryPostdoctoral Fellow Bilal A. Siddiqui, MD The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer CenterClinical Innovator Felipe Silva Rodrigues, PhD The Rockefeller UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Maria Sirenko, PhD New York University School of MedicinePostdoctoral Fellow Craig L. Slingluff, Jr., MD University of Virginia Health SystemCLIP Investigator Kellie N. Smith, PhD Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Matija Snuderl, MD New York University School of MedicineCLIP Investigator Gregory F. Sonnenberg, PhD Weill Cornell MedicineCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Matthew H. Spitzer, PhD University of California, San FranciscoCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Harrison Sudholz, PhD University of California, BerkeleyPostdoctoral Fellow Linyu Sun, PhD Brigham & Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical SchoolPostdoctoral Fellow Thornton W. Thompson, PhD University of WashingtonPostdoctoral Fellow Anna Tinker, MD Vancouver Cancer CentreClinical Accelerator Ahmet Bugra Tufan, PhD Boston Children’s HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Aldo Ummarino, MD, PhD Boston Children’s HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Marcel van den Brink, MD, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Aaron van Loon, PhD University of WashingtonPostdoctoral Fellow Vivek Verma, PhD University of MinnesotaCLIP Investigator Alejandro V. Villagra, PhD Georgetown UniversityCLIP Investigator Rosa Vincent, PhD Baylor College of MedicinePostdoctoral Fellow Robert H. Vonderheide, MD, DPhil University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer CenterClinical Accelerator Peter Wang, PhD Massachusetts General HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Xiaoyang Wu, Ph.D. University of ChicagoTech Impact Award Chi-Yun Wu, PhD The J. David Gladstone InstitutesPostdoctoral Fellow Man Wu, PhD Boston Children’s HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Yun Xia, PhD Massachusetts General HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Kai Kun Xie, PhD Weizmann Institute of SciencePostdoctoral Fellow Yi Yang, PhD University of PennsylvaniaPostdoctoral Fellow Nader Yatim, MD, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiPostdoctoral Fellow Ahmad Yatim, MD, PhD The Rockefeller UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow Jianhang Yin, PhD University of California, San FranciscoPostdoctoral Fellow Dmitriy Zamarin, MD, PhD Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiClinical Accelerator Ivan Zanoni, PhD Boston Children’s HospitalCRI Lloyd J. Old STAR Qiming Zhang, PhD Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyPostdoctoral Fellow Qilin Zhang, MD Massachusetts General HospitalCLIP Investigator Haiwei Zhang, PhD Boston Children’s HospitalPostdoctoral Fellow Jing Zhang, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPostdoctoral Fellow Ze Zhang, PhD University of Massachusetts Medical SchoolPostdoctoral Fellow Yang Zhao, PhD Stanford UniversityPostdoctoral Fellow
Valsamo Anagnostou, MD, PhD Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineClinical Accelerator, CLIP Investigator
Chinaemerem U. Onyishi, PhD National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of HealthPostdoctoral Fellow
Josep Maria M. Piulats, MD, PhD Fundacio Institut D’Investigacio Biomedica de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet del LlobregatCLIP Investigator
Robert H. Vonderheide, MD, DPhil University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer CenterClinical Accelerator