The innate immune system detects pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) to signal infection and other types of danger to provide host defense against external and internal threats including cancer. Dr. Manik’s proposal addresses the fundamental question on how this process occurs through the proposed study on an important cytosolic protein known as TRIF. TRIF is part of the receptor signaling system from the so-called Toll-like receptors (TLRs). However, his preliminary studies started to suggest that it also acts as a sensor of nucleic acids inside cells. Constant oxidative stress in cancer cells leads to organ damage and the release of DNA/RNA. Therefore, DNA/RNA sensors are of great interest in understanding cancer and in cancer therapy. In this project, Dr. Manik aims to deepen our understanding of nucleic acid sensing role of TRIF in physiology and pathophysiology by adopting a multi-disciplinary approach. These studies will have strong impact in the general area of cancer and inflammation.
Projects and Grants
Elucidating the new catalytic and signaling activity of the TIR-domain containing protein TRIF
Boston Children’s Hospital | All Cancers | 2022 | Hao Wu, Ph.D.