CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Apply for a CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship CRI Application Portal The CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports qualified young scientists at leading universities and research centers around the world who wish to receive training in fundamental immunology or cancer immunology. A panel of scientists drawn from our Scientific Advisory Council rigorously evaluates each candidate, the intended sponsor and training environment, and the nature and feasibility of the proposed project. The Cancer Research Institute recognizes that getting to the next great breakthrough in cancer treatment will require continued investment in fundamental research and training. CRI, therefore, invites postdoctoral fellows working in both fundamental immunology and tumor immunology to apply for funding. CRI seeks hypothesis-driven, mechanistic studies in both immunology and tumor immunology. The applicant and sponsor should make every effort to demonstrate the potential of the proposed studies to directly impact our understanding of the immune system’s role in cancer. In response to recent disruptions in federal funding, CRI is committing an additional $2.5 million in funding to support 10 additional postdoctoral fellowships over the next year. This investment directly supports early-career scientists, ensuring that we continue fostering the next generation of IO researchers. Financial Information Fellowships are for three years. Beginning with the March 1, 2023, deadline (for new awards beginning July 1, 2023), newly awarded fellowships provide a stipend of $74,000 for the first year, $76,000 for the second year, and $78,000 for the third year. An allowance of $5,000 per year is allotted to the host institution for use at the sponsor’s discretion to help pay for the fellow’s research supplies, travel to scientific meetings, health insurance, and/or childcare. CRI provides additional support for fellows to attend CRI’s annual International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference (CICON), and to participate in CRI’s soon-to-be-launched Bioinformatics Bootcamp. Deductions for administrative overhead are not allowed from either the stipend or the institutional allowance. Payments are made monthly in U.S. currency to the host institution. Deadlines The application deadlines are March 1 and September 1; when those dates fall on the weekend, applications are due the following Monday. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on these dates. Applicants are notified of fellowship committee decisions within approximately 10-12 weeks of the application deadline. Fellowships can be activated four months after the application deadline but no later than one year following the deadline. Awards activate on the first of the month. Eligibility Applicant Eligibility Applicants for the CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program must be working in areas directly related to immunology or cancer immunology. An eligible project must fall into the broad field of immunology with relevance to solving the cancer problem. Applicants must have a doctoral degree by the date of award activation and must conduct their proposed research under a sponsor who holds a formal appointment as an assistant professor or higher rank at the host institution. Applicants with 5 or more years of relevant postdoctoral experience at the time of award activation are not eligible, with the exception of M.D. applicants, who should not include years of residency in this calculation. Only in exceptional circumstances will applicants who have already spent 3 or more years in a sponsor’s laboratory by the start date of fellowship be considered for a fellowship award. The fellowship can be performed in the United States or abroad but must take place at a non-profit institution. There are no citizenship restrictions. Only one fellow per sponsor may apply per application round, and faculty sponsors may not have more than three CRI-supported fellows at any time. Resubmissions: Applicants are permitted to resubmit their fellowship application at a subsequent deadline provided that the new application is improved to reflect progress. Changes to the application should be addressed within the subsequent application. Instructions for Applying The application process requires you to access CRI’s Application Portal for institutional signatures and certification. CRI Application Portal Supporting Materials The following is a list of all required materials in the online application: Brief description of the applicant’s background and research accomplishments. Maximum 500 words. Provide a brief description of the knowledge and skillsets you aim to attain during your CRI funded training period. Describe the gaps in your knowledge and skillsets that have been missing from your training to this point and how specifically this training opportunity will help fill those gaps and enhance your understanding of immunology and/or cancer immunology (examples may include opportunities in the mentor/co-mentor lab, resources available at training institution, external training opportunities etc.) Maximum 250 words. List of other funding sources to which applications have been or will be submitted, with due dates. Applicant’s curriculum vitae and bibliography (NIH biosketch preferred).* Brief summary of your project, including a description of how the proposed research is relevant to understanding the role of the immune system in cancer and/or the treatment of cancer through immunological means. Not to exceed 500 words. Abstract of research in non-technical English explaining the importance of the proposed research and its potential clinical relevance. The abstract will be used for fundraising purposes and submitted to CRI’s lay Board of Trustees. Abstract limited to 250 words. Specific aims of the project. Not to exceed 500 words. Concise research proposal (background, significance, materials and methods) not to exceed four (4) pages inclusive of tables and figures, exclusive of references.* Letter from the sponsor introducing the applicant and describing the sponsor’s qualifications to direct the proposed research. The letter must contain assurance that the applicant’s project will be conducted under the direct supervision of the sponsor. Finally, sponsors are asked to indicate whether the application was written by the applicant and also whether any preliminary data included in the proposal was generated by the applicant or by the lab prior to the applicant’s arrival.* Sponsor’s curriculum vitae/biosketch and a list of sponsor’s current research support. NIH biosketch is preferred. If including a formal C.V. then limit bibliography to past 5 years.* Two letters of recommendation are required. One letter must be from the applicant’s thesis advisor. Applicants who received an M.D. or otherwise who do not have a thesis advisor should have some other qualified individual submit this letter. The second letter should be from an individual well acquainted with the applicant’s work. The sponsor may not submit one of these letters. If the sponsor was also the applicant’s thesis advisor, you must contact CRI for further instruction.* *Submitted as a PDF Notes: Important Note: Your application is not considered submitted and complete unless all signatories have signed the application via DocuSign. If you encounter problems, please send an email to [email protected]. Be sure to note the application number, which will be assigned to you at the time of submission. Applications exceeding stated page limits will be disqualified. Only PDF documents will be accepted. All files must be submitted individually on the attachments page of the online application. Online applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the deadline date. If the deadline falls on the weekend, applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. that following Monday. We strongly suggest submitting your applications as early as possible to provide ample time in case your application is incomplete. Incomplete applications will not be considered. It is encouraged that Letters of Recommendation are submitted directly by the applicant via the online application form as a PDF. While direct online submission of these letters by the applicant is preferred, a referee may instead scan a copy of their letter as a PDF and email it to [email protected]. Please include with the email the name of the applicant and the application ID in the subject line of the email. All letters should be scanned in grayscale at a maximum resolution of 300 dpi to keep file size to a minimum. Do not scan in color, as this will significantly increase the file size, which could potentially cause uploading problems. Formatting Guidelines: Any documents you attach to your online application form must be typed single-space using a 12 point or larger font size. Award Terms and Conditions All awardees must adhere to the terms of this award. Please note: The Cancer Research Institute will not modify the terms of its policies at the request of individual institutions. Policies have been approved by our Board of Trustees, and we do not have the resources to negotiate separately with the many institutions that receive our support. Application Deadlines March 3, 2025 September 1, 2025 Applications Resources Terms and Conditions Invention Disclosure Form Annual Invention Update Form Standard Revenue Sharing Agreement Frequently Asked Questions