Calendario de eventos



Cancer Advance Boston

Join some of the most distinguished cancer experts from academia and industry, alongside the people who help turn discoveries into therapies—biotech entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, buysiders, bankers and analysts—for a high-energy, uniquely interactive meeting at Harvard Medical School where networking and discussion take center stage. 

On April 12, our chief medical officer, Aiman Shalabi, is a featured expert on the panel, “Immuno-Oncology: Challenges & Opportunities”. Aiman Shalabi and the Cancer Research Institute are featured co-hosts of Cancer Advance Boston. 

The event will take place at Harvard Medical School, Joseph B. Martin Conference Center, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115.

Follow the hashtag #CancerAdvanceBoston for updates on social media. 

Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

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