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Precision Medicine World Conference 2021 COVID-19 Conference

Jia Xin "Annie" Yu, PhD, data analyst, explains COVID’s impact on clinical trials during the “How COVID-19 Changed Clinical Trial Dynamics and Environment” virtual panel session on January 27 at 12:00 PM ET / 9:00 AM PT.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected design and conduct of all kinds of clinical trials, not only the specific areas of vaccines and therapeutics directly related to SARS-CoV-2 but also in other major therapeutic areas such as oncology/cancer treatment. This session will provide three different perspectives on this subject: the non-profit perspective that is trying to understand the impact of COVID-19 on recruiting patients for cancer studies, the pharma perspective on performing therapeutic and vaccine trials, and the labs perspective on designing and executing COVID-19 targeted therapeutic and vaccine trials.

COVID-19 has demonstrated that change is overdue when it comes to our healthcare system. We need to come together to collectively transform our healthcare system and biomedical research to ready it for the 21st century. How has your specific field been positively affected by COVID-19 and how can this be utilized for a post-COVID era? The PMWC 2021 COVID-19 Conference on January 25-27 is a virtual conference touching upon critical developments and ongoing activities, including the regulatory and investment sides that influence clinical advancements.

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