Cancer Research Institute Event Calendar



2022 CRI Virtual Immunotherapy Patient Summit

Online. On Demand. Free.

The CRI Virtual Immunotherapy Patient Summits are free online events that connect cancer patients and caregivers to leading cancer doctors to learn about the latest advances in treating cancer with immunotherapy. This event offers attendees:

  • An overview of the immune system and how immunotherapy works to stop cancer
  • Interactive cancer-specific breakout sessions and Q&A with leading experts.
  • An overview of cancer immunotherapy clinical trials and how to access them
  • A panel featuring patients treated with immunotherapy
  • A panel discussion on racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and other barriers to health care information and cancer treatment
  • Free and confidential, one-on-one clinical trial navigator appointments to find a match for a clinical trial

We invite people of all ages and with any type of cancer to attend, view, and share important information. Caregivers, friends, family, and patient advocates are encouraged to attend.

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